Lace Rosette Floral Workshop - 一間以教授全手工創作為理念的花藝工作坊
我們主要有三大類的花材為基礎 - 保鮮花丶麗乾花及壓花。各種花材作品別具特色及擁有變化多端的製法。所有課程均由已經領取該花藝證書的導師主理,必定能帶給你無限的樂趣和創作空間!
本工作坊提供的課程備有由簡單至深入程度, 適合個人、小組及親子方式。工作坊內作品亦可以直接購買或按個人喜好訂造。
Here at Lace Rosette Floral Workshop, we want you to know just how easy it is to make your dreams come true with your own hands!
Our A.P.F. (Ange Preserved Flower-Design Association), L'ecrin Flower Association , C.A.P.F. (China Art Pressed Flowers Association) certified instructor and D.F.A. (Dutch Florist Association) diploma holder is ready to share the passion and knowledge to help you create a state-of-the-art D.I.Y. product from processed real flowers, while explore your imagination at the same time!